Cases de Sucesso


Nossa advocacia esta à disposição de nossos clientes a qualquer hora e em qualquer parte do mundo, para orientações, estratégias, prevenção, auxílio e atuações de urgência e de longo prazo, sempre que necessário, sempre com eficiência e presteza!

Dream big, we’ve got your back!

Our client Jussara Piacentini came to us because she was interested in acquiring a property on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. As she told us, Jussara has lived in England for many years and having a beach house in the Northeast to escape the harsh winters of Europe with Mick, her partner, was a dream of the couple.

Our mission was to help Jussara and Mick make this dream come true.

Acquiring a property in Brazil is something that is in the plans of many Brazilians living abroad and can be a great investment. But like any business, the Brazilian real estate market has its intricacies and it is important to have professional support when closing the deal.

Mission given, mission accomplished!

After discarding several options that did not meet the legal requirements necessary to provide legal certainty to the acquisition, Jussara and Mick were able to buy their beach house in the beautiful Barra do Cunhaú, in the municipality of Canguaretama on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte.

And of course, we also went to Barra do Cunhaú to have a coffee with Jussara and Mick on a beautiful summer afternoon. Because that’s what it’s about, creating ties that transcend the cold contract for the provision of legal services. Humanizing relationships without ever leaving aside the professionalism with which we treat each of our clients.

With the support of our network of partners, we at HSO ADVOGADOS & CONSULTORES were present alongside Jussara and Mick during all stages of the purchase and sale operation:

– Documentation analysis – Thorough scrutiny of all documents and certificates is essential to ensure the smoothness of the business and peace of mind in the long term.

– Tax regularization of the property – real estate in Brazil usually has tax liabilities as they say in legalese, in other words, it is necessary to ensure that the property does not carry with it IPTU debts or other tax obligations. We work with the Canguaretama Tax Department to ensure the declaration of the statute of limitations of the old debt and the payment by the owner of the amount due before authorizing our client to sign the purchase and sale agreement.

– Intermediation of negotiations with the owners – in this case it was necessary to ensure that the owners provided us with all the documentation and certificates to avoid eviction, that is, that the property is claimed by a creditor of the owners.

– Acting with the Real Estate Registry Office to grant powers of attorney for the representation of the client residing in England, drawing up the deed and registration.


You’re all set! Jussara and Mick were free to pack their bags and head northeast to enjoy life in their seaside home.

Thank you Jussara and Mick for giving us the opportunity to do better with each new mission!

Count on us!

Brilliant Diamond do Brasil – A Success Story

The company Brilliant Dimond do Brasil is an example of the importance we give to the establishment of lasting relationships, based on trust and efficiency. A project like this requires a multidisciplinary and specialized approach.
The work developed for our clients at “Briliiant” accurately translates our proposal for niche law and our mission to support in all its stages the journey of companies and entrepreneurs who see in Brazil an opportunity to expand their business.

Since 2011, HSO ADOVOGADOS E CONSULTORES has been a partner of Brilliant Diamond do Brasil in its entrepreneurship journey in our country. During these 13 years, our work has covered all the needs of our client from the first steps in their journey in Brazilian lands.

– Opening a company with foreign investment
– Electronic registration of foreign investment at the Central Bank – RDE-IED, today, SCE-IED.
– Obtaining a Permanent Investor Visa for the partners.
– Temporary Fiscal Address
– Obtaining Operating Licenses
– Rental of commercial point with analysis of contracts and negotiations with real estate brokers and real estate agents.
– Opening of a business account with analysis of contracts and intermediation of negotiations
– Obtaining work visas for foreign employees.
– Qualification in the SISCOMEX-RADAR of the Federal Revenue Service for import and export operations.
– Monitoring of customs clearance and import taxation.
– Defense in customs administrative proceedings for the release of goods forwarded to inspection channels.
– Customs Tax Actions
– Drafting and reviewing bilingual contracts
– Expansion of the SISCOMEX-RADAR qualification to unlimited modality
– Defenses in civil and criminal litigation
– Tax planning
– Amendments to the articles of association

Over more than a decade, we at HSO ADVOGADOS E CONSULTORES have committed all our efforts and expertise to achieve our mission – to act as a beacon so that our clients can navigate the Brazilian Legal System with peace of mind. Brilliant Dimaond do Brasil is a success story. An example of how the relationship between the lawyer and his client should be.

We at HSO ADVOGADOS E CONSULTRORES want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the trust placed in us by our friends at Brilliant Diamond do Brasil.

SOMOS UMA REDE online de soluções!

Através de nossa rede de parceiros cobrimos com precisão e eficiência todas as questões judiciais e legais de nossos clientes, que encontram na nossa advocacia uma solução completa para suas demandas legais no Brasil.

Depoimentos dos nossos clientes

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Nome cliente

Nome do Cargo Nome da empresa


Obrigado pelo interesse!

Agora, precisamos de algumas informações sobre você para nos conhecermos melhor:
Agora nos conte um pouco sobre seu domínio de línguas estrangeiras. Essa informação nos é fundamental, uma vez que nosso público-alvo, em sua maioria, não fala a língua portuguesa.
Nunca compartilhe informações confidenciais (números de cartões de crédito, CPF, senhas, etc.) por este


Agradecemos o seu interesse em ser nosso parceiro e pelas informações prestadas. Entraremos em contato com você por um dos canais de comunicação fornecidos, na medida que nossa demanda de trabalho exija a colaboração de um profissional com o seu perfil.

Esperamos, sinceramente, que nossa parceria se concretize e traga bons frutos para todos!

Até breve!